Residential Locksmith

Automotive Locksmith

Commercial Locksmith

Car Key Replacement
We at 7 Day Locksmith, provide you all the car model replacement keys, Key Cutting and Trasponder Programming in the lowest prices
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Humans and can make mistakes. That’s one reason why it’s very important to have CCTV cameras installed in your home or business.
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Key Cutting
Broken or Lost keys? Or need new or spare copies of your house keys? We provide key cutting service for residential needs.
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Locksmith Murrieta, CA
Locksmith Murrieta
The Solution to All Your Locksmith Problems
Problems with your locks are a worry that can leave you paranoid. You arrive home from work and reach for the key in your pocket. It is not there! You have to wait an hour for you partner to return home. Alternatively, the key breaks in the lock. You lose the key and the lock is now jammed such that you can no longer use it. Losing your car key could be another total potential disaster. Keys are an essential part of life. You need them to guarantee security for your property, both at home and work.
Help is at hand. 7 Day Locksmith, a Murrieta Locksmith company, will be able to solve all these problems for you. We are available 24 hours a day. We will conduct home visits, as well as go to your company premises. Jammed property and auto keys can be retrieved. Car ignition systems and door locks can be replaced. Key coding can be used to replace a lost key. Laser cutting will provide a perfect copy. All types of keys can be cut and replaced.
Our Murrieta Locksmith company will also replace and repair cupboard and filing cabinet locks keys and locks. If a valuable document is locked away in an office filing cabinet and the key has gone missing, you do not want to end up smashing open the cabinet. It is far better to call an experienced locksmith who can deal with this problem. This professional service will very quickly resolve this problem.
Security for Modern Vehicles
These days with automobiles, there is a lot more to car security than just using one ignition key to open the doors and the boot, along with starting the ignition. Keyless systems are now the norm. You simply “bleep” your car at a distance. Its head lights and warning lights flash back, and all the car doors are automatically opened. If your “bleeper” key is lost, any replacement key must be set and programmed to match each individual car’s electronic system. Also, most automobiles now use transponder keys. There is a special transponder chip. This will deactivate a car’s immobilizing system; and thus, start the car.
Our Murrieta Locksmith company will ensure that the replacement keys will match the requirements for each make of the vehicle and be compatible with the electronic and chip based systems that are used in automobiles.
A new totally keyless system can also be installed in your vehicle. In addition, new dealer sourced protection systems can be installed at your home or at work.
Making Your Property Thief-Proof
A skilled thief or burglar will look for the line of least resistance, the weakest link. They may see that your house or business property uses only a standard “Yale” type lock on the main entrance door and that the door frames are simply made of timber. In this regard, all they have to do is either pick the lock or “jimmy” the door and they are in. Burglars want to go in as quickly as possible, then back out again.
What is the best way to prevent theft and burglary? You can make it difficult for the robbers to invade your property. 7 Day Locksmith is the Locksmith Murrieta CA company that can provide different solutions. These could include the use of dead locks or peep holes. However, this can be taken a whole lot further. You can consider having a CCTV surveillance system installed around your whole house or commercial premises.
A thief will want to find the easiest way in. There is little point in fitting grilles across your front door and installing a series of dead locks around a reinforced frame if your kitchen door, at the back of the house, only uses a simple sliding bolt for security. All doors and windows need securing. These could be the veranda doors or the balcony windows. The garage door could be another potential weak spot. Make sure that there are no “blind spots” in your CCTV surveillance system. Our Locksmith Murrieta CA company can do a more thorough analysis of your property and make specific suggestions. This applies equally to a home or to a business establishment.
Once completed, serious burglars will quickly determine that it is not worth the risk trying to break into your property. Also, you may consider that you are living in a safe neighborhood where break-ins are rare. As such, you may feel that there’s no need to invest in security systems. This would not be wise, though, as yours could be exactly the area criminals are looking for, particularly where security is a bit lax. Insurance will not cover the emotional stress of a break- in either.
Keeping Your Commercial and Business Premises Safe
New security devices are constantly being developed and deployed. Electronic locks can be deployed on doors, safes, and other secure areas with the use of timers.
“Keyless” locks can be used at main doors. These could use card systems or a coded entry system. By using “keyless” lock devices, you eliminate the need for keys. This way, there will no longer be problems with lost or stolen keys. These systems will mean that there will be no damage or wear, which often result from the prolonged use of mechanical locks. Throughout a larger commercial building, a record can be kept of every time an electronic lock is used. This would help with the monitoring of movement around the building. Biometric sensors, along with other devices, can be used to detect movement. Integrated systems can be set up to better monitor security. Also, this will prevent former employees from having to return keys. There will be no worries with the keys being illegally duplicated outside of the business premises, which can possibly enable someone illegal entry. Our locksmith Murrieta CA company can apply the same level of attention to residential premises. The whole house can be evaluated. Areas where there are security weaknesses can be addressed.
A case in point could be the sliding doors at the back of the house. A locking system can be added inside the bottom of the sliding door. All of this will increase overall home security considerably. Trust only us for your needs with locksmith Murrieta CA.
The Solution to All Your Locksmith Problems
Problems with your locks are a worry that can leave you paranoid. You arrive home from work and reach for the key in your pocket. It is not there! You have to wait an hour for you partner to return home. Alternatively, the key breaks in the lock. You lose the key and the lock is now jammed such that you can no longer use it. Losing your car key could be another total potential disaster. Keys are an essential part of life. You need them to guarantee security for your property, both at home and work.
Help is at hand. 7 Day Locksmith, a Murrieta Locksmith company, will be able to solve all these problems for you. We are available 24 hours a day. We will conduct home visits, as well as go to your company premises. Jammed property and auto keys can be retrieved. Car ignition systems and door locks can be replaced. Key coding can be used to replace a lost key. Laser cutting will provide a perfect copy. All types of keys can be cut and replaced.
Our Murrieta Locksmith company will also replace and repair cupboard and filing cabinet locks keys and locks. If a valuable document is locked away in an office filing cabinet and the key has gone missing, you do not want to end up smashing open the cabinet. It is far better to call an experienced locksmith who can deal with this problem. This professional service will very quickly resolve this problem.
Security for Modern Vehicles
These days with automobiles, there is a lot more to car security than just using one ignition key to open the doors and the boot, along with starting the ignition. Keyless systems are now the norm. You simply “bleep” your car at a distance. Its head lights and warning lights flash back, and all the car doors are automatically opened. If your “bleeper” key is lost, any replacement key must be set and programmed to match each individual car’s electronic system. Also, most automobiles now use transponder keys. There is a special transponder chip. This will deactivate a car’s immobilizing system; and thus, start the car.
Our Murrieta Locksmith company will ensure that the replacement keys will match the requirements for each make of the vehicle and be compatible with the electronic and chip based systems that are used in automobiles.
A new totally keyless system can also be installed in your vehicle. In addition, new dealer sourced protection systems can be installed at your home or at work.
Making Your Property Thief-Proof
A skilled thief or burglar will look for the line of least resistance, the weakest link. They may see that your house or business property uses only a standard “Yale” type lock on the main entrance door and that the door frames are simply made of timber. In this regard, all they have to do is either pick the lock or “jimmy” the door and they are in. Burglars want to go in as quickly as possible, then back out again.
What is the best way to prevent theft and burglary? You can make it difficult for the robbers to invade your property. 7 Day Locksmith is the Locksmith Murrieta CA company that can provide different solutions. These could include the use of dead locks or peep holes. However, this can be taken a whole lot further. You can consider having a CTV surveillance system installed around your whole house or commercial premises.
A thief will want to find the easiest way in. There is little point in fitting grilles across your front door and installing a series of dead locks around a reinforced frame if your kitchen door, at the back of the house, only uses a simple sliding bolt for security. All doors and windows need securing. These could be the veranda doors or the balcony windows. The garage door could be another potential weak spot. Make sure that there are no “blind spots” in your CTV surveillance system. Our Locksmith Murrieta CA company can do a more thorough analysis of your property and make specific suggestions. This applies equally to a home or to a business establishment.
Once completed, serious burglars will quickly determine that it is not worth the risk trying to break into your property. Also, you may consider that you are living in a safe neighborhood where break-ins are rare. As such, you may feel that there’s no need to invest in security systems. This would not be wise, though, as yours could be exactly the area criminals are looking for, particularly where security is a bit lax. Insurance will not cover the emotional stress of a break- in either.
Keeping Your Commercial and Business Premises Safe
New security devices are constantly being developed and deployed. Electronic locks can be deployed on doors, safes, and other secure areas with the use of timers.
“Keyless” locks can be used at main doors. These could use card systems or a coded entry system. By using “keyless” lock devices, you eliminate the need for keys. This way, there will no longer be problems with lost or stolen keys. These systems will mean that there will be no damage or wear, which often result from the prolonged use of mechanical locks. Throughout a larger commercial building, a record can be kept of every time an electronic lock is used. This would help with the monitoring of movement around the building. Biometric sensors, along with other devices, can be used to detect movement. Integrated systems can be set up to better monitor security. Also, this will prevent former employees from having to return keys. There will be no worries with the keys being illegally duplicated outside of the business premises, which can possibly enable someone illegal entry. Our locksmith Murrieta CA company can apply the same level of attention to residential premises. The whole house can be evaluated. Areas where there are security weaknesses can be addressed.
A case in point could be the sliding doors at the back of the house. A locking system can be added inside the bottom of the sliding door. All of this will increase overall home security considerably. Trust only us for your needs with locksmith Murrieta CA.
We Accept Credit Cards
Business: 7 Day Locksmith
Address: Murrieta, California
Phone: (858) 522-9722